As part of a residential extension to the east of Drymen, Brindley worked with Mactaggart & Mickel, providing a suite of landscape services in support of the development. Our input ranged from the initial site and townscape appraisal, LVIA and impact assessment through to detailed planting designs and streetscene CGIs.
Sited within the Loch Lomond and Trossachs National Park the development represents a substantial residential expansion in such a sensitive landscape area. As such it was important to prepare a sympathetic design response.
Brindley undertook a wide-ranging townscape appraisal of the settlement to inform the masterplan. This helped develop an appropriate housing density, streetscape strategy and locally appropriate materials palette. Additionally, in order to develop a site-sensitive design it was important to both retain as many existing trees on site as possible as well as establish new structural woodland to screen the development from the east. A network of pedestrian footpaths links integrate the site with adjacent housing and a redesigned linear open space opens up an attractive and accessible amenity space to the south.
Our scope of provided Landscape Design services includes:
- Site Appraisal and Design Statement;
- Wider Townscape Appraisal;
- Consultation Boards;
- Existing tree Constraints and Protection Plans;
- Initial Landscape Concept Proposal & Cost Estimate;
- Detailed Landscape Layout and Planting Plans; and
- Best practice guidance compliance and advice.
Our scope of provided GIS & Visualisation services includes:
- Baseline GIS analysis & associated graphics production;
- Site photography;
- Modelling all proposed house types based upon client’s drawings;
- Modelling terrain, hard surfacing, soft landscape proposals and boundary treatments;
- Detailed, photorealistic photomontages;
- Landscape elevation illustrations; and
- CGI visualisations from three locations with the proposed site.